A methodology created by Google Ventures that helps businesses from all structures solve their problems successfully. It consists of a 5-day workshop in which a multidisciplinary team gathers and takes part in a series of activities that lead to an ideal solution, which is tested and validated with real users.
They are an exceptional point of departure for kicking off new products, services, businesses, or improving and growing existing ones with additional features, processes, or any other enhancement type.
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On Design Sprints, experts from our team and yours gather and focus 100% on your ideas, for five days. We'll work together to understand the problem and suggest multiple solutions, improving them until finding an ideal one. Finally, we'll prototype it, and test it with real users.
The goal is that, once the Sprint is complete, your company is ready to kick off the project. This means forgetting about wasting time & money in brainstorming sessions and never-happening plans. Design Sprints become real, short-term, and validated action plans.
Design Sprints aren’t only a great methodology for ideation purposes; at the workshop, the final ideas are validated and user feedback is gathered. Day 4 and 5 are fully dedicated to prototyping and testing with real users. This reduces uncertainty and your chances of wasting money & time on useless solutions.
Experts from different areas of your company will be gathered with creative innovators from Light-it to align ideas, needs, and expectations. This way we’ll get a bigger picture of the companies needs and the team will consciously decide the problem we’re addressing and in which area we need to focus on the solution. It’s an opportunity to understand the companies needs on every level.
Understanding & defining the target.
Discovering & sketching solutions.
Diving into the prototype.
Building the prototype.
Validating our solution.
At the end of the Sprint, your team will have a better understanding of your business needs and users’ problems, a handful of creative solutions, and a thoughtful strategy tested with real users. You also get a full report of everything that came up at the Sprint and business suggestions. If the client wants to, we also offer design & development services for digital solutions.
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