The first Laracon day is over and there is much stuff to talk about! The day was full of amazing talks, people and news.
- Laravel's community
- Justin Jackson's talk about mental health in life.
- Laravel 6 & New Branding
- Vapor
The environment in the event was amazing. People are super-friendly and welcoming, really opened to new conversations and debates about a plethora of topics.
The sense of collaboration is felt in the air, community members are willing to help each other, share knowledge, build open-source projects and have a great time.
Justin's Talk
I would say this talk stole the show.
Some top phrases he referred to:
"Every action you take is a vote for the person you want to become" James Clear
"The psychological baggage we carry with us, if it's left unexamined, can lead us into destructive behaviors" Jerry Colonna
Top tips:
1- Get professional help.
2- Assume ownership for your life.
3- Do things, repeatedly, that are good for you and others.
4- Get rid of bad habits
5- Lose the ego
It's not common to listen to mental health talks in tech conferences. HUGE applause to this initiative. I believe it's essential for the wellness of people.
Laravel 6 & New Brand
- Will be released in August.
- New full-time backend developer will be joining the team next week.
- New Logo.
- New Website.

"Incredible scale without breaking a sweat."
By definition, Laravel Vapor is a serverless deployment platform for Laravel, powered by AWS. Launch your Laravel infrastructure on Vapor and fall in love with the scalable simplicity of serverless.

Key features:
- Unlimited teams and projects within one license.
- Staging and Production domains.
- Easy commands to execute deploys.
- Rollback from UI.
- Zero downtime.
- Easy maintenance mode.
- Environment variables management.
- Full of useful metrics.
- Alarm management through email and Slack.
- Logs.
- Database management.
- Automatic Cache with DynamoDB or Redis.
- Serverless and autoscaling.
- Queues handler.
And much more...
That’s it for now! Stay tuned for more news about the second day on Twitter!